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- /*************************************************************************
- ** mmu.library **
- ** **
- ** a system library for arbitration and control of the MC68K MMUs **
- ** **
- ** © 1999,2000 THOR-Software, Thomas Richter **
- ** No commercial use, reassembly, modification without prior, written **
- ** permission of the authors. **
- ** Including this library in any commercial software REQUIRES a **
- ** written permission and the payment of a small fee. **
- ** **
- **---------------------------------------------------------------------**
- ** MMU library specific alerts **
- ** **
- ** $VER: 42.1 (08.04.2001) **
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef MMU_ALERTS_H
- #define MMU_ALERTS_H
- /* MMU library alert identifier */
- #define AN_MMULib 0x3e000000
- #define AN_NoUtility 0x3e02800c
- /* Library init failed to open the utility library */
- #define AN_NoExpansion 0x3e02800a
- /* Library init failed to open the expansion library */
- #define AN_ContextOpen 0x3e090001
- /* while flushing the library, a context was still in use */
- #define AN_BadFreePool 0x3e018005
- /* the internal memory pool is damaged */
- #define AN_NoPoolMem 0x3e018001
- /* no memory to build the pool on lib init */
- #define AN_NoContext 0x3e018002
- /* failure building the context */
- #define AN_MMUInit 0x3e000002
- /* MMU Init vector failed */
- #define AN_IllegalTT 0x3e000003
- /* transparent translation mode unsupported */
- #define AN_IllegalMMU 0x3e000004
- /* MMU table layout not supported */
- #define AN_BadContext 0x3e000005
- /* the context contains unaligned mappings */
- #define AN_BadTable 0x3e000006
- /* the MMU table build by the library has been damaged */
- #define AN_FreeActive 0x3e000007
- /* someone tried to release an active context */
- #define AN_MapHole 0x3e000008
- /* the mapping defined in the context contains undefined areas */
- #define AN_Phase 0x3e000009
- /* while building the MMU tree, another context change was required */
- #define AN_BuildError 0x3e00000a
- /* the MMU table builder failed to build a lower level of the tree */
- #define AN_ConfigBroken 0xbe00000b
- /* the MMU configuration could not be setup, the parameters are invalid */
- #define AN_NoRoot 0x3e00000c
- /* someone tried to install a context without a valid root pointer */
- #define AN_NoCatcher 0x3e00000d
- /* the message exception handler did not find the destination catcher port
- to pass the exceptions to */
- #define AN_ExcptBusy 0x3e00000e
- /* someone tried to release an exception that is currently busy */
- #define AN_NotCaller 0x3e00000f
- /* someone different than the caller tried to release the message hook */
- #define AN_QueueDaemon 0x3e000073
- /* the returned message from the daemon was not the expected one, i.e. the
- message exception daemon replied an invalid message */
- #define AN_LineWB 0xbe000010
- /* an unhandled line writeback that is not a physical fault.
- Broken hardware ? */
- #define AN_LineRB 0xbe000011
- /* an unhandled line fetch of invalid data that is not a physical fault.
- Broken hardware ? */
- #define AN_GhostMovem 0xbe000012
- /* the exception handler detected a movem fault without a movem. */
- #define AN_CheckMMU 0x3e000013
- /* LibInit CheckMMU failed miserably and could not repair the modified
- test page. */
- #define AN_BadDMA 0x3e000014
- /* Bad DMA transfer initiated
- (destination not available or writeprotected) */
- #define AN_PostSetup 0x3e000015
- /* an Os function re-defining the memory layout was called
- after table setup */
- #define AN_NoMapMem 0x3e000016
- /* while allocating memory for the page tables, the library
- found free non-RemapSize() aligned memory. */
- #define AN_NoMemMemList 0x3e000017
- /* an AddMemList() failed due to an out of memory condition
- of the library while rebuilding the MMU tables. */
- #define AN_NoMemAddConf 0x3e000018
- /* an AddConfigDev() failed due to an out of memory condition
- while mapping in the new hardware. */
- #define AN_FreeTwice 0x3e090009
- /* a child context was detached twice,
- use counter underrun. */
- #define AN_BadShare 0x3e001005
- /* A MAPP_SHARE of a non-shared context was found on the
- MMU table rebuild. */
- #define AN_NoResExp 0x3e12800a
- /* can't find the resident module of the
- expansion library */
- #endif